Tony Frisone is a serial entrepreneur who has co-founded an electric car battery company, founded an African Venture Capital Company, and led a Platoon in Afghanistan. He was at one time assigned to 1st Special Forces Group. Tony provides The Americ…

Tony Frisone is a serial entrepreneur who has co-founded an electric car battery company, founded an African Venture Capital Company, and led a Platoon in Afghanistan. He was at one time assigned to 1st Special Forces Group. Tony provides The American Element's right leaning perspective, with an eye to philanthropic business and entrepreneurship. 

John Bradley is a veteran of some of the military's most rigorous schools from Sapper School to Ranger School. He studied literature at American University and provides The American Element with its left leaning eye to culture, counterculture, and t…

John Bradley is a veteran of some of the military's most rigorous schools from Sapper School to Ranger School. He studied literature at American University and provides The American Element with its left leaning eye to culture, counterculture, and the search for personal optimization.